Light bulb We are looking for awesome student volunteers aged 11-18! Volunteer hours available. Learn more ->

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Apply today!

Join Project Eco Initiative as a volunteer by following these steps:

1. Fill out the application form provided below.
2. Our team will set up an interview time within the next week.

Get started

Are there any items we need
to become a volunteer?

Here are some items that volunteers will need to ensure an efficient volunteer experience:

     • Organized Storage Space: A dedicated area to     neatly store and manage products.
     • Mobile Device: A smartphone to facilitate     payments and manage customers.
     • Wagon: A sturdy wagon to easily transport items     while selling items.

Note: We also offer other volunteer positions, each with distinct responsibilities.

Are there any fees when
signing up?

Yes, we kindly ask all volunteers for a $100 one-time donation. Your generous contribution will play a vital role in sustaining and growing our organization. Your support will directly fund essential company operations, including:

     • Annual registration and renewal fees
     • Tax preparation and filing costs
     • Comprehensive insurance coverage
     • Branded t-shirts for our dedicated volunteers

Note: This fee can be paid after the onboarding call.

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What do neighborhood ECO
volunteers at Project Eco do?

Our volunteers, aged 11 to 18, contribute to the cause by distributing eco-friendly products in their respective neighborhoods. After receiving products from distribution centers, volunteers will store and sell their products to those in their community. Volunteers also participate in school programs and projects related to supporting the environment while learning valuable business and leadership skills.

How much time commitment would I need?

Project Eco volunteers are usually expected to spend a few hours each week on selling products, working on environmental projects with your school, spreading the word, and more. The more time and effort volunteers put in, the more likely they are to receive unique roles and special recognition.

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Why become a neighborhood volunteer?

Becoming a volunteer at Project Eco gives you much to offer. In addition to helping the enviornment, making friends, and learning new skills, Project Eco also offers you a really cool activity and volunteer hours to add to your belt.


Make new friendships

By volunteering at Project Eco, you have the opportunity to meet new friends from your neighborhood and develop meaningful relationships. It's a great way to connect with others while contributing to a positive cause!


Learn new skills

Volunteering with Project Eco allows you to try new things, build confidence, and develop integrity. Your ECO community will appreciate your dedication and willingness to push your limits.


Change the world

As a volunteer, you give back to your community, making your neighborhood a better place where everyone knows you. You will benefit your school's environment and gain volunteer hours, new friends, and a stronger sense of community.

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Become a neighborhood volunteer

Welcome to Project Eco!

Get ready for an amazing journey dedicated to shaping a greener world with Project Eco. Thanks to your passion and dedication, we unite towards environmental change. We aim to make it easy for you to dive into eco-friendly initiatives, take on leadership roles, and connect with like-minded peers. Let's explore, lead, and create a more sustainable future together!

Note: We also have other volunteering roles available such as:
IOS/Android developer, School partnership, Head office branches, etc

Contact us to learn more.

Step 1 of 4: Volunteer Information